Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Dollar Tree Haul

I checked out a Dollar Tree by my work a couple weeks ago, and this DT is soo big it's got 2 sets of double sliding doors! I love it! It's soo huge!

Anyways, I read on Nouveau Cheap that her DT mani lasted SIX days! How cool is that?
Carlo di Roma in Putty (there are no names on them, but the Recessionista @ Nouveau Cheap said hers is Putty which mine looks the same) Orange, La Cross Nail Sponges, and Pink Glittery Nail Clippers.

Like I said above they aren't labeled

pretty pink and glittery!

Nail cleaning sponges
I was scepticle, but it was $1 so why not?
Here's what it states:
I tried it at my Contest Entry for Jamie's Goodbye Summer contest.
And after using all four sides, this is the outcome.
Not too bad, but not the best. I would say if you see these for any more than $1 take a PASS on them.

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